Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Money, money everywhere and not a cent to spend

Well, hello cyberspace folks!

Considering I am not on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or any other social networking site, this blog thing is kind of a new and different experience for me, but I have the urge, so I'm gonna go with it.

I have a question for you folks out there: I am currently a middle class 26 year-old female who lives on her own and has a decent, but certainly not fantastic paying job. I am in the field of education which I love, but I have gotten myself into some considerable debt. This is funny to me because I am not the kind of girl who goes shopping in malls or has to buy a new pair of shoes every week. In fact, I live quite modestly and have very simple pleasures. But I have come to find that it is considerably difficult to live in this very consumerist country without spending money on something every day.

So here is my question to you all out there - do you have any tips for a simple gal like me to save money on things she has to buy each day/week/month/year? I have already moved into a much smaller, dinkier place to save some cash on rent.

Thank you for all of your advice!

Peace and light,